#1. Cats can always land on their feet no matter in what direction they are falling. 




#2. Cats are Either Left Pawed or Right Pawed

#3. 40% of Cats are Ambidextrous (step one both limbs of one side at the time)




#4. Cats are Digitigrade (Walk on Their Tiptoes)

Digitigrade are animals that walk on their tiptoes. It helps cats to gain speed, get a longer stride and approach their prey silently.

#5.Papillae are the hook-like structures present on the tongue of cats. They help cats  to clean their coats effectively.




#6. Traditionally Cats Have 12 Different Kinds of Vocalisation


#7. Cats Purr for Different Reasons (When They are Sad, Happy and to Heal Wounds)



#8. Cats Are Lactose Intolerant So They Catn't Drink Milk.

#9. Cats Spend 70% of Their Lives Sleeping. 


They do this to conserve ernergy.



10. House Cats are 95.6% Like Tigers Genetically